How do I upload and edit my photos?

You can edit or upload new photos anytime to your boatsales ad. Photos are one of the most important elements of your ad with the more you include, the higher chance of selling your boat you will have. We’ve outlined some tips to help you choose the right photos for your ad here. 



Uploading and editing photos for desktop users 

  1. Sign in to your boatsales account 
  2. Hover the mouse over your name in the top right corner and Select Manage ad. 


  3. Click on the Edit your ad details tab and scroll down to the photos section. 
  4. Next, click on the camera icon, this will open up a pop up window that lets you easily upload photos directly from your computer.  
  5. Select the photo you wish to upload, click Open and the photo will appear as a thumbnail on the current page. 
  6. Photos can be rearranged by clicking and dragging each one to the desired position. The order you place them here will be how they are displayed on your listing. 
  7. To remove any photos that have been uploaded, click the rubbish bin icon on the bottom of the thumbnail.  
  8. You can also rotate your photos by clicking the rotate icon located next to the delete icon. 
  9. Once you’ve finished uploading photos, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save. 



Uploading and editing photos on the boatsales App 

  1. Go to the boatsales App and select the Account tab located at the bottom of your screen. 
  2. Sign into your boatsales account (if you haven’t already). 
  3. Tap the Sell tab located at the bottom of the screen and then select Manage my ad.    

  4. Next tap the Edit button on the ad you wish to manage
  5. Select which section you'd like to edit by choosing an option using the Step 1 of 5 dropdown located on the top left corner of your screen. Choose Attach photos
  6. To add more photos, tap the Add Photos button and select the desired images from your phone’s gallery, or take a photo on the spot. 
    1__13_.jpg  1__18_.jpg
  7. To rotate a photo, tap the rotate icon at the bottom right corner of the image. 
  8. To remove a photo, tap the rubbish bin icon at the bottom right corner of the image.  
  9. When you are finished, scroll all the way down of the page and tap the Submit Changes button located at the bottom right corner. 


Any changes made to your ad can take up to 2 business hours to update on the live listing. All new and recently edited ads are approved by our Customer Service team for quality assurance purposes.  




Related articles: 

My photos aren't uploading. What can I do? 
How can I arrange my photos? 

Any information on this page is provided as a guide only. It is not professional or expert advice and is not a substitute for such advice. The content may not be appropriate, correct or sufficient for your circumstances and should not be relied on as the only reason you do or don’t do anything.
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